Be Like Google!

Google Search Engine

Everybody knows Google,, Here I'm talking about the Search-Engine Google... Well, I use it everyday... For any cause I'll just Google eveything up... You looked for your favorit song? Google'll help you... You wanted to know why Einstein is so damn brilliant? Look on Google... You wanted to know why Oprah is retiring? You look on Google... You wanted to know why your girlfriend dumped you? Then you look on the mirror...

Believe it or not,, since Google was held back in 1998 it has been a new paradigm for human being to look for everything over the air. Surpass the popularity of Yahoo!, Bing and any other search engine. And why is it Google became so popular right now? That's where we might learn a few lesson from Google...



Capek nulis pake bahasa Inggris terus... http://www.smileycodes.info Udah nulisnya mikir... http://www.smileycodes.info susah... http://www.smileycodes.info salah mulu... http://www.smileycodes.info belum tentu ada yang baca... http://www.smileycodes.info salah ding,, UNTUNG belum ada yang baca...  http://www.smileycodes.info Ntar diketawain englishnya blep...blep...blepotan... http://www.smileycodes.info Sekali - sekali nulis pake bahasa sendiri... http://www.smileycodes.info Yang jelas - jelas dimengerti... tapi isi postingannya gak jelas... gakpapa... http://www.smileycodes.info

SEMANGGIS!!! [SEMANGAT GIAT MENULIS] http://www.smileycodes.info 



What's Not Awesome? I'll Make It Awe and Some! Awesome!

As you all probably known from my previous post,, about how miserable my life is... after you leave me alone here... ohh Esmeralda... my life had been so boring lately, sooo flat... soooo plain... nothing good happened... totally normal... ordinary..

So,,instead of waiting for something to be amazing *wow,,its rhyme*,, I decide to make a history on my own...
I'm going to go Backpacking! WOAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Opps,, sorry wrong emoticon...*

I'll do it once more...

I'm going to go Backpacking!  YEAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me - Wen - Rico


I don't Know What To Write...

Lately My life had been soooooooo flat... sooooooo boring... and sooo do many other things around me...
Eventhough I want to write about something, *there were many moments when I tried to make a new entries but  as expected* its just ended up with me facing the monitor in a blank expression not knowing what to do...

mmm... Well then I'll write about something next time...


Anyway,, I want to share something to you guys about the song written by my friend, Rico Julian and sung by me... hahaha :D  you can download it from here or see the other songs in here.


The Woman Who Can't Break Up, The Man Who Can't Leave...

Thank you Mr.

Yesterday (20/5), I had been quite busy... Not very busy but quite disturbing my peaceful day...hahah :D


Anyway,, we (Me, Skie, Rico, Uzi) had this awesome night together as usual in ITT Student Center... Playing Counter Strike (Hah!!! Whadup.....?!!!!!) in Thursday night... And we're about to recruit another 3 younger member to our sect,, Hendry, Andrew and Ganang... Because they played awesome...This is their first time playing Counter Strike together with us but they already played better than some of us (not me of course)... They're great... They can cooperate well and instinctly move scanning the area... They..... ehhh,,know what? I'll tell you this later on...


About MAICIH... From Icihers With Love...

This is not some kind of 'alay' language if you all wondering about what is MAICIH...
This is not MACACIIIH or MACIIIIH or even HACIH...
One more time I'll write it clearly : MAICIH


Are We Really An Informatics Students?

Today In class I was asked by a friend...

"Mas,,cara running Java dari cmd gimana?"


A Walk To Remember is Real....

Long time ago I saw a very touching movie... A Walk To Remember... Guess you guys also have seen the movie...

You can see the review here...

This is Lintang! :D

I'm sorry to never introduced her before...

She is Lintang Ayu Destrustha. She is my beloved little sister :D
She was born on December 10th, 2004 and she is my only sister. hahaha
Before she was born,, I was the only child in the family for 15 years, 3 months and 2 days. And now I have this cute little baby with me.

Lintang means "Star" in English. You know? Shiny little things in the night sky other than moon. And Ayu means "Pretty", "Beautiful". Destrustha is derived from two words which is Desember (December) and trustha or in English it means "Happy". Overall it means that We were happy because of the Pretty little star coming in December. hahaha :D


Long Time No See :)

Ahahahaha :D

sudah lama sekali tidak ngeblog ternyata ya... :D

baru inget kalau punya blog setelah beberapa hari yang lalu diingatkan oleh seorang kenalan baru soal ngeblog.

yaa wajar aja orang ga pernah nulias apa - apa gini... :P

mulai nge blog dengan hal - hal geje lagi ah...

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