Thank you Mr.

Yesterday (20/5), I had been quite busy... Not very busy but quite disturbing my peaceful day...hahah :D


Anyway,, we (Me, Skie, Rico, Uzi) had this awesome night together as usual in ITT Student Center... Playing Counter Strike (Hah!!! Whadup.....?!!!!!) in Thursday night... And we're about to recruit another 3 younger member to our sect,, Hendry, Andrew and Ganang... Because they played awesome...This is their first time playing Counter Strike together with us but they already played better than some of us (not me of course)... They're great... They can cooperate well and instinctly move scanning the area... They..... ehhh,,know what? I'll tell you this later on...

This isn't about that... This is about what happened a few minutes before we started to play... As you all probably known, before we play, somebody need to be the server and everybody else will join to the server... Usually it's just us playing and only one server in the network which is Skie's server. But tonite? there are 2 server in the list! The first one is of course Skie's, but the other one? we don't know... It's rare to find any other player here so everybody start to join this server. Skie is joining... then Rico is joining... And then they failed to join.
What?? What just happened?? Suddenly the server is missing from the list and something interesting might just happened... A REMOTE SHUTDOWN to SKIE's PC... Together with a message saying more or less like this :

"Jangan main mulu hayo..."

Wow... Everybody started to get excited... We are now standing in front of Skie's PC to see how it works. A little bit of Googling and then the remote shutdown is aborted. "Hah,, this guy is an amateur", we thinked. After that we tried to remote it back. Again... Googling first...hahaha :D
In the middle of Googling,, a second Remote Shutdown and message showed up...

"Ih, bandel yaa...."

This time its worst... It's unstoppable... hahaha :D So now everyone going back to their PC and doing their best looking for a solution...


A few minutes later we know his/her (I think of 99% possibility that it is a 'his') IP address... It is Well then he is definitely inside the students center... but who is he? it is impossible searching inside the buliding with more than 20 rooms and 100 people in here without causing a noise. hahaha :D

The "Playing Counter Strike" session ended up became a Hacking Lesson. Everybody's Google up everything... hahaha :D

Anyhow,,until the last minute Mr. is offline from the network we still can't figured it out how did he remoted shutdown a PC from a far. Ping resulting a Request Timed Out.

Thank you Mr.,, you teached us a lesson that night... Next time we met again,,we'll do our best to get away from you... :D


  1. itu gw kali bay.. kalian aja ga tau.. haha.. XD

  2. yea right... *ngremehin*

    eh,,tp ga tau jg ding...barangkali lo selama ini beneran jago tapi sok2an blo'on di depan kita pin... hahaha :D


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