Are We Really An Informatics Students?

Today In class I was asked by a friend...

"Mas,,cara running Java dari cmd gimana?"

And then I was blackout for a few minutes thinking for a few minutes to answer it. After a few seconds I finally got the answer and then I said it loud and clear to him "Ga tau uy... Lupa..." ahahahaha :D
After that stupid lame answer to him I begin to question every person sit near me. The First one is Fajar who sat right beside me, he said he don't know... And then Yosua, he said the same thing, And then Sasongko, not much different. In less than a minutes I've met the other 3 person with the same problem with me. hahah! found yah! :D
After the class I ask Alvin the same question,,
this time it is different. He add a few prologue before the explanation, (Wow,,I guess I finally meet one of those real Informatics student) but in the end.... "Ah,, lupa kak ngetik apa..." and I jump off from the 3rd floor. The same thing happened after I asked Acha a few moment later... Only she took some time to admited that she also didn't know. hahaha :D

What a dumb*ss I am... I'm now in the 4th year of my college and I don't even know how to run a Java program through command prompt... And the worst part,, I don't feel guilty at all...

 This is makes me thinking a lot more about what i have been done for the last 4 years.  And then I was thinking of nothing... (/_\)

Anyway for those who really wants to know how to run a Java Program by using a command prompt, you can learn from here. thank you :D

Put In The Black Box!


  1. haha! sama! gw juga gak tau! =)) ROFL

  2. hahahaha termasuk lu berarti 7 dari 7 orang yang gw tanyain ga ada yg tau Ndaey... :D

  3. santai aja kum,, IF gak cuman koding doang :D

    liat aja bos bos, gak bisa koding, berarti lu calon bos kum ^^

  4. komen lu selalu menenangkan hati gw Yans... :)

    besok kapan mau yaa kerja di tempat gw? hehe :P

  5. Josh tenan pak.... Brarti intine pripun ki?? hahha... Belajar itu g selalu semua tau mas, makanya lebih untuk belajar lagi. :D

  6. hahaha, jadi inget kiasah pas wawancara As*ra kemaren disuruh coding,.
    sblm ditanya lbh detail uda langsung blg,
    "Bu, kalo saya coding kan biasanya ga lepas dari buku dan inet,"

  7. @Harushime : ga semua kita mesti tau Bob...
    yaa at least kita tau konsep dan dasarnya...
    matilah kao nek ngapalin coding hahaha :D

    @Mbak Firda : hahahaha sedia payung sebelum huyan ya gampangnya? :D
    sebelum ditanya macem2 langsung jujur aja deh...
    saya juga mungkin bakalan gitu kalo nanti wawancara akakakak :D

  8. @mas bayu : iya mas, yg penting tau konsepnya, pas lupa gitu jadi dimaklumi akhirnya,.
    emang merekanya juga gt soalnya,
    anak ITT mah masi diunggul2 kan trnyta kok,
    dianggap 'pinter', hehe

  9. wah syukurlah kalau gitu...
    memudahkan sedikit dalam wawancara karena udah dibantu persepsi dari mereka... hahaha :D


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